The Scientific Approach to Buddhist Study --
Principle of Universe
Lecturer / Sun Don Lee (Leader of Forshang Buddhism World
The barrier of the development of science
In a human brain, there are at
first thoughts, then inference, and then logic. The brain differentiates the phenomena it
has perceived in the universe into things that are alike or unlike. Similarities are
inducted from things alike. As a system is concluded, a theory is brought forth. For
instance, water, essentially composed of H2O, appears in three different states
as a solid, a liquid, and a gas under the law of physics, depending on temperature.
All human civilizations are
achieved by means of such a logical elaboration. However, such logical elaboration is
built upon the observation of the changing "forms" within the three realms and
keeps looking for the nature that unites all changes until an ultimate answer can be
found. Such a way is partial because it does not make evaluations from the overall
perspective of the ten great characters: Essence, Form, Wisdom, Virtue, Principle,
Practice, Energy, Effect, Time, and Space. Although logical elaboration is based on
changes in the forms, it still has real value. The real spirit of science lies in that we
have to presume a theory is right before we find the evidence to prove that it is wrong.
And then we will take various steps to observe, test, and infer repetitively until we find
the ultimate answer to the forms.
Humankind approach finding the
ultimate answer to the forms in two ways: one is to explore the state of the universe from
the largest aspect of the form and the other is to find the fundamental particles of
matter from the smallest aspect of the form. In high energy physics, starting from the
atom and electron, they found proton, neutron, quark, and leptons. And next to this is the
state of anti-matter. These are the fundamental particles. From cosmic expansion, they
discovered the black hole, the white hole (its counterpart), and the worm hole - the
speedy passage connecting galaxies (for example, the Milky Way where we reside and other
galaxies). As for the passage between different universes, we shall have the theory of Gu
hole. In order to understand the origin of the universe, for example, the Big-Bang theory
they believe it is necessary to understand the fundamental structural unit of the
universe. This accords with the characteristics of the Buddha nature in Forshang doctrines
stating that one is infinity, infinity is one, the perfect harmony of one and plural, and
the perfect harmony of the greatest and the smallest.
Buddhism also states that the
Bodhisattva can transform into one hundred metamorphic bodies and is able to know what has
been done in the past and what will happen in the future. In the past these were things
that some scientific theories can never concur. However, in July, 1995, Steven Hawking
published a well-known essay, in which he admitted that he has been wrong for the past
thirty years in rebutting the possibilities of time travel with numerous theories stating
that it is impossible for humans to go back to the past and that time travel is impossible
because it violates all the existing scientific theories. In this essay, he openly
apologized to all the scientists of the world that he now knew with his current
understanding of the scientific theories that time travel is absolutely possible.
Theoretically, human brain waves are capable of exceeding the limitation of time and space
if some appropriate development is applied. All these are perfectly right. Thus, the
supernatural power to know the past and future stated in Buddhism are finally recognized.
Moreover, the Forshang doctrines
provide the ultimate and perfect explanation to the concept of the universe and all the
phenomena of the universe, which is based on the ten great characters - Essence, form,
wisdom, virtue, principle, practice, energy, effect, time and space, the integration of
mind and matter, the conversion of mass and energy, the unity of time and space, and the
integration of existence and non-existence. Put simply, the universe is formed in the
unity of time and space with no differentiation of forms. Steven Hawking has already
calculated that the smallest unit of time is 10-57 sec, being the
infinitesimal. He has also figured out in mathematical calculations that the second is the
eternity. He then had some beginning understanding of the unity of time and space. Yet, he
cannot come up to the understanding of the integration of existence and non-existence. In
scientific experiments conducted several years ago, it was discovered that any form of
existence can come out of a vacuum state. However he ran into problems while looking for a
way to unite the concept of time and space. In the conversion of mass and energy theory,
Einstein already figured out E=MC2, but he did not find the equation E=1/MC2
which takes the spiritual field into consideration.
Modern science has only touched a
bit of the integration of existence and non-existence, the conversion of mass and energy,
and the unity of time and space. What it cannot figure out completely is the integration
of mind and matter. The most fundamental of Forshang Buddhism mental doctrines is the
integration of mind and matter. It is called the integration of body and mind in terms of
our cultivation. Body refers to your physical state and mind refers to your mental state.
All beings have Buddha nature. Current science cannot prove this concept. What they can
establish is that all beings have energy fields. All existence have magnetic fields. The
human body has the biological energy. All living things possess the biological energy.
However, they cannot come to understand the integration of mind and matter, which touch
deeply into the Essence. That is why humankind comes across many difficulties as
technologies advance.
(excerpted from Master Lee's 11/12/95 class lecture at Los Angeles Branch.)
The Black Hole and The Big-Bang Theory
Nowadays, world renowned
scientists such as Steven Hawking and others who study the black hole theories, the worm
hole theories, etc., have not yet gotten anywhere. They are still far away from the truth.
About eight or nine years ago, I talked about the principles and phenomena of black holes
eight hours a day for ten consecutive days. When I look back at all the new discoveries
and understandings about the black hole and astronomy in the past nine years, none
exceeded what I had then talked about in the first day eight or nine years ago. In every
human study on the black hole, the Big-Bang, and the origin of the universe, there exists
loopholes that cannot be mended. What I will talk about now is the astronomy of the 21st
century of the humankind. And then? Some day I will be proven right. Perhaps, I will win
the Nobel Prize in Physics just because of this theory.
First of all, let's look at the
definition of the black hole. It has such an extremely high density, with a gravity that
will absorb any substance including light passing through it or within a certain distance
(event horizon.) If that is the case, then theoretically, the black hole should keep
absorbing substance and expand until all substance in the universe are absorbed into
itself. Then, why did the Big-Bang still happen? That should be impossible. But, is the
Big-Bang still possible? It is still possible, but not in the way scientists have
understood it through observations using astronomical telescopes and inferences. What
scientists understand today is still a bit of the surface of the truth.

Figure 1: The gravity of black hole X is out of balance due to uneven absorbency of
substances. The splitting is inevitable as gravity ratio is 1:3.
(Click to Enlarge)
What is the relation between the
black hole and the Big-Bang? The black hole may explode or split. But why will the black
hole split when its density is so high? The one and only reason is the imbalance of
gravitational field. Suppose this part of the black hole "X" (as shown in figure 1), called Section A, absorbs more substance in relation to
Section B which absorbs less substance. Under the continual effect, the gravity of Section
A of the black hole gets greater and greater while the gravity of Section B on the other
side gets relatively smaller. Because of this imbalance, distortion occurs. Let's put it
this way. If an object as hard and solid as a piece of iron or iron ball will not break up
by itself, why would something like the black hole break up when its density is so high
that a bit of its substance would be heavier even than the earth itself? This would not
happen unless its gravity inside is not in balance and causes the distortion. It breaks up
because of the extremely powerful gravitational distortion.
Then, what is the ratio supposed
to be? The answer is the difference ratio of gravity is 1:2, the minimum value. When the
ratio is 1:3, it will break up for sure. Remember, these figures are of great importance
and value. This is the first time I talk about this theory and these figures to the
humankind. As the gravity ratio is between 1:2 and 1:3, the black hole will break up.

Figure 2: Black hole X splits and distorts like maltose sugar that are loosely
linked when broken up.
(Click to Enlarge)

Figure 3: As black hole X splits, section C is separated from section A, which is
equivalent to section B in size and quantity.
(Click to Enlarge)
What is the actual process of
breaking up? We will use maltose as an analogy. When breaking up, if this section A is the
light side and the other section B is the heavy side, the black hole will be pulled apart
along these two sides, just like a mass of maltose, on splitting, will not break
completely but be jointed loosely like a broken rootstock of a lotus. This is how it
splits and distorts. (as shown in figure 2.) And then what?
Black hole X is distorted and pulled apart because of the imbalance of the gravity. After
that, other things happen. If this Section A is simply distorted and split, then that is
it. The thing is that black hole X does not simply break up into two pieces in the way we
think. What is actually happening? Out of this separated bigger black hole A, another
black hole in the same size of that smaller black hole B will be created. (as shown in figure 3.) This black hole C separated from black hole A has the
same size as black hole B. What I am describing and showing in figures is exactly what the
black holes will look like as it is splitting. This is exactly the way it is. There is no
exception. This is absolutely the way it is. In figure 3, given
that black hole B is 1, and since this bigger black hole A gives rise to a black hole C
equivalent to black hole B in order to balance itself, then this black hole A must be
greater than 1, A=>1. We just came up to the point that the basic condition of
splitting is 1:2. Because as A=2, it will derive a 1 out of itself and the remaining part
is also 1, right? Given the ratio is 1:3, this is the best condition and the black hole
will surely break up. Black hole B is 1, black hole C is 1, and black hole A, after black
hole C is separated from it, will be 2 and will be called black hole D. Therefore, after
splitting these two major areas, or after these three black holes are created, both sides
regain the balance. We come to a conclusion that given the original black hole with
unbalanced gravity at the ratio of 1:3, there will definitely be a break up.
What will happen as the original
black hole X breaks into a state as shown in figure 3? Let's put
it this way. What is the black hole? It has an extremely high density, once broken up,
black hole B and black hole C created on the left side, should be drawn toward each other
by the force of gravity existing between them. Therefore, theoretically speaking, the
original black hole X that distorts and breaks up due to the gravitational imbalance
should be drawn together again on the instant. Therefore, black hole B and black hole C
will be drawn together by the force out of high density and collide into each other again.
The big diffusion resulted from the collision of these two black holes of extremely high
density is what is known as the Big-Bang. The mass and energy contained in these two black
holes are emitted generously into the entire universe.

Figure 4: As Black hole B and C are drawn to collide into an explosion, while black
hole D is propelled outward by the explosive force.
(Click to Enlarge)

Figure 5: The galaxies moving to the left form our universe including the Milky
Way. The galaxies moving to the right will eventually be swallowed up by black hole D.
(Click to Enlarge)

Figure 6: When the galaxies of the anti-matter universe in the right side are
absorbed, a "inner reaction force" generated inside black hole D will move
itself to the left.
(Click to Enlarge)
What will happen to black hole D
remaining from black hole B on the right side? The radiant force created by the Big-Bang
as mentioned before will push black hole D somehow further away to the right, just as
shown in figure 4. Out of this Big-Bang by the attraction
between black hole B and black hole C, half of it will move toward the left to become the
Milky Way and countless other galaxies that we know as the universe today. The center of
the Big-Bang creates radioactive dusts to form planets and galaxies (such as the Milky
Way). As galaxies of the left side continue to move to the left, galaxies of the right
side also move to the right and expand outwardly to form another group of galaxies,
leaving a big space between the two sides. Then, remember what we said before about black
hole D being pushed by the great radiant energy after the Big-Bang? Up to a point it will
stop and return, absorbing all the galaxies of the right side into itself. Therefore, what
is life? Life is not an accident. Life is luck! Remember, your existence is not an
accident, not a slow evolution beginning from a DNA or RNA made by flashing or thundering.
Not like that. Life is luck because you are in the galaxies of the left side and not of
the right side. Lives in the galaxies of the right side, are all absorbed into black hole
D and die even before they are created. This is the state as shown in figure 5 and figure 6.
O. K. Now I will bring forth a new
concept in physics - the "inner reaction force". Modern physics has not come up
to this concept yet. The reaction force we usually refer to is called the "external
reaction force." For example, when walking or throwing a ball at a wall, a reaction
force, the "external reaction force," will be rendered from the ground or the
wall so that you will be able to move forward or the ball will be bounced back. However,
what will happen in the vacuity of the universe? Although black hole D will move toward
the right in the beginning without external friction, the inner reaction force will be
rendered to make it come back toward the left. Why is such an inner reaction force
rendered from within? It is because mass and galaxies diffused from the Big-Bang of the
universe as we just mentioned will catch up slowly with black hole D and be absorbed by
it. The inner reaction force in black hole D will then be rendered. Black hole D will then
return to move toward the left and eventually swallow up the Milky Way in which we live.
Please see figure 6.
Today's human astronomy has made
some observations. Looking from the earth in the Milky Way back to the center of the
Big-Bang, the newest finding is 14.3 billion light years. Up until last month (June,
1998), we can trace back to 14.3 billion light years. Thus, scientists believe that we can
trace back to see the Big-Bang. Why? Because if we suppose the Big-Bang will always exist
and the light will travel 15 billion light years to reach us, as long as we can trace back
to 15 billion light years ago through the astronomical telescope, we will be able to see
the Big-Bang. Now we have reached back up to 14.3 billion light years, and human presumes
that the universe exists for only 15 billion light years. Suppose the life of the universe
is 15 billion light years and suppose when we reach up to that point in space, what we can
observe is only emptiness without even a star, then that will prove that the life of
universe is indeed 15 billion light years. This is a notion humans believe.

Figure 7: The universe where we reside comes to be for at least 15 billion light
years and so is the anti-matter universe, which has already been absorbed by black hole D.
Black hole D will return and continue to swallow up our universe. The entire process is
called a great kalpa. The dark matter in the middle is several thousand times bigger than
both areas.
(Click to Enlarge)
As shown in figure
7, the group of galaxies on the left side exist for at least 15 billion light years
and it will also take 15 billion light years for the galaxies on the right side to catch
up with black hole D. The area in the middle is the dark matter. At the year of 2007 the
real dark matter will be identified and understood. It is a "formless matter"
that exists in the state of an energy and a mass at the same time. When the Big-Bang
happens as mentioned before, the energy is so high that the dark matter created in the
energy field in the hyper space will become many times bigger than the universes on both
sides in terms of volume and space in the three dimensional world. The question is how big
is the area in between. It may be thousands of times bigger than the black holes. It is
this state of vacuity that humans have never exceeded. So far we have reached back up to
14.3 billion light years. Even if we can reach back to 15 billion light years ago, we will
still see a vast expanse of white. Why? This vast space is bigger than the areas next to
it and can never be exceeded by human.
Here comes another question: Why
is there a word, anti-matter? Corresponding to the universe on our side, the universe on
the right side is called the universe of anti-matter. Humans know theoretically that there
is a universe of anti-matter but cannot actually locate it yet. However at the year of
2020 it will be confirmed. What is the dark matter or black matter? This void in the
middle is called the dark matter. At the year of 2007 the real dark matter will be
identified. The farther right side is the big black hole. Therefore, it will come back
someday. Of course, on our side there are some scattered small black holes and some
remaining black holes unbroken by the explosion. Those are the black holes that we have
usually observed. However, the real black hole that is thousands, ten thousands or hundred
millions times greater than our entire Milky Way is the black hole D, which will come back
to swallow up all of us. The entire process is the so-called kalpa. In Buddhism there are
three thousand medium kalpas in one great kalpa and there are three thousand small kalpas
in one medium kalpa. Kalpa actually means time. That is why we say every great
chiliocosmos (meaning three thousand great universes), or each reincarnation under the
cycle of life and death.
(excerpted from Master Lee's 7/4/98 class lecture at Los Angeles Branch)
Time Travel
In the introduction we mentioned
that Steven Hawking once admitted in one of his lectures that time travel is possible. We
believe that the human brain is theoretically capable of breaking through the limitation
of time and space if appropriate development is applied. With correct mathematical
calculations, he should be able to figure out that this is a problem that involves great
volumes of energy. If this energy can be generated, it can reach to the anti-matter state.
Time stops in the anti-matter state. You can choose any point of time as the zero second
to start with and to go on to the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd second...This starting point can be in
the past or future. You may make your choice beforehand. However, this energy is too
powerful to be rendered by any technology humankind has achieved. Only the universal
energy can make it. However, this powerful universal energy can be generated within a
human brain. The most prominent scientist of humankind will bring forth theories to prove
that brain waves can be properly developed to achieve up to such a refined level.
(excerpted from Master Lee's 11/12/95 class lecture at Los Angeles Branch)
Principle of Single universe and Multiple universes
In Buddhism, it states that the
universe is structured into thirty-three heavens, meaning the universe is divided into
thirty-three areas in terms of time and space. The planet on which we live is a
three-dimensional environment. On this planet, is there a two-dimensional animal? Yes, the
two-dimensional animal on this planet is the ant which crawls only along the straight
line. Does a four-dimensional state ever exist on this planet? Yes. However, the
four-dimensional state exists only when time and space is distorted under particular
circumstances. Such circumstances happen occasionally every year. Is the five-dimensional
state possible on this planet? Yes, but it is very very rare. The five-dimensional state
occurs inside of us. The fourth dimension is time. The fifth dimension is energy. Is there
the sixth dimension? Yes. However, it is not easy for a human being to understand.
Basically, the thirty-three heavens refer to a group of energy states in the universe. How
about the black hole? Where does the black hole belong in? It is between the fourth and
the fifth dimension. The thirty-three heavens are ways to describe the different states of
time and space.
(excerpted from Master Lee's 7/4/98 class lecture at Los Angeles Branch)

Figure 8: The Space, worm hole, position of sun/earth. The four quadrants of a
single universe. The four spindle-shaped quadrants are in equilibrium. The space
represents the possibilities of infinite expansion, but is circumscribed by the circle in
the outside. The central point stays fixed.
(Click to Enlarge)
In recent years, there have been
many discussions on the multiple universes in the scientific field. How much have humans
found out on this subject? I have no idea, but I don't think it would be much. Let's take
a look at the third mark of Forshang Buddhism(see figure 8),
which is actually "the four quadrants of a single universe" existing in three
dimensions, yet expressed in a two-dimensional illustration. It starts from a point (in
the center) and extends outward to the circle in lines that turn into planes that again
turn into countless spheres and that is the state of multiple universes.
In figure 8,
what we see is the third mark of Forshang Buddhism made up by four spindle shapes
surrounded by a circle. One of the spindle shapes represent the universe we are residing
which came to be more than twenty billion light years ago. The point in the center is the
point where the Big-Bang originated. Our planet, earth, is over here (see figure 8). As we look at the part connecting the outside circle and
the spindle shapes, they appear linked and yet, not linked. In fact, there is still space
there. That space represents infinite possibilities of expansion. At the same time, as we
know, these four spindle shapes are in perfect balance. As one begins to expand, the other
three will expand, too. To see further, they will never go over the circle on the outside.
Never. Unless this circle has a force that contracts. This is what is called "the
four quadrants of a single universe"; however, this is not yet the real multiple
Out of this two-dimensional plain
derives a cubic sphere. Just like a flat tortilla that can twist and rotate. It is mobile,
twisted, turning, like a marble bead. In the real Big-Bang, or when the black hole is
distorting, or splitting, the central point is fixed because it is in balance. It will not
go anywhere but instead stay at the same place rotating in angle of 360 degrees. In
Buddhism, these four spindle shapes are called the four heavenly kings or the four great
heavenly kings under the Sovereign Sakra Heaven. Any being, or even any deva within any of
the four quadrants of this universe can never go beyond this quadrants or this energy
It is impossible to pass through
among these four quadrants unless through the central point. This point has been discussed
theoretically, and was mentioned in some theories similar to that of the worm hole, but
none of those ever mentioned or proved explicitly that the central point of the Big-Bang
is the worm hole. Therefore, their theories are still incomplete. However, the worm hole
can be created on the very central point of the Big-Bang of the single universe¡Awhich
will keep emitting a great volume of energy. However, because energy is imperishable, over
a very long period of time, it will cool down and the phenomena that happened in Black
hole D, and Black hole X will repeat itself over and over again as mentioned in the
previous chapter. This state of cooling down is just like a fixed star that burns out its
internal energy and collapses to become a black hole. Then, how does it penetrate time and
space? Scientists discuss only about the travel from one quadrant to another at the most.
None has ever touched how to go from the entirety of a single universe to the entirety of
another single universe, in other words, how to travel between multiple universes.
First of all, we have to
understand that the worm hole exists in above the fourth dimension and the Gu hole is at
least in the eighth dimension or above. Since we have already known that the worm hole is
closely related to the Gu hole, we can find the worm hole through the black hole so as to
travel among galaxies or the four quadrants of a single universe. As for the passages
among multiple universes, we should find the primary worm hole of a single universe, then
we can find the Gu hole in a higher state of energy field. Once the Gu hole is found, it
is not a problem to travel to other universes or any quadrant or any galaxy of that
universe. A simple analogy would be that the Gu hole is like a central terminal of a
Metropolitan Transportation Agency where we may choose to go to different city's central
terminals (worm hole) where we may take the bus to go to different areas of the city.

Figure 9: The central point of the single universe extends outward to form a line
on which are numerous single universes.
(Click to Enlarge)

Figure 10: From the single universe, point turns into line, line turns into plain,
plain turns into bigger sphere, which is the multiple universes. This is also the fourth
mark of Forshang Buddhism.
(Click to Enlarge)
Then, in order to make further
description of the state of multiple universes, it is necessary to begin with the single
universe of three dimensions. It starts with the central point, extending in one direction
into a line, of which each point is the central point of the Big-Bang of a single
universe. Along the line, there are many, many single universes, as shown in figure 9. Many lines turn into plains, which aggregate to become a
bigger sphere, encircled within an unbreakable circumference, as shown in figure 10. In terms of the sphere representing the single
universe, it will roll and spin all about into a bigger sphere representing multiple
universes. Therefore, we can understand now that the center of the Big-Bang of each single
universe is the "passage between the single universe and multiple universes."
Through this central point, we may go into any quadrant of another single universe.
According to Buddhist doctrine, all phenomena of universe are described by the revolution
of the ten great characters(Essence, Form, Wisdom, Virtue, Principle, Practice, Energy,
Effect, Time, and Space) into each other or within one character itself. No matter how far
the ten great characters have revolved, the great Essence is the same. No matter which
character are you in or how far have you revolved, once you enter Essence at any point of
revolution, you go back to Essence in the first turn of revolution. Also, we have already
stated: one is infinity and infinity is one. Once understanding the center of the circle,
any being can go to any point of time and space.
(excerpted from Master Lee's 12/26/98 class lecture at Los Angeles Branch)
Universal Perspective based on the integration of the ten great characters, the
integration of mind and matter, the conversion of mass and energy, the integration of
existence and non-existence, and the unity of time and space
To put it simply, the entire
universe itself is the conversion of mass and energy, the immeasurable and the infinite.
The universe has no end. The void of the universe is the energy, what we call the Buddha
nature, the spiritual body, or the Dharma nature. For example, suppose a planet is at the
farthest boundary of the universe, once you go beyond it, what will there be? In terms of
the integration of existence and non-existence, beyond the planet are infinite
possibilities. Infinity itself is the energy that causes the conversion of mass and
energy. Therefore, it can expand infinitely without an end. The void is immeasurable and
infinite. The expansion of universe as humans have observed is detected by spectroscopy
and red-shift, as a proof that the galaxies in the universe are moving apart farther and
farther from each other, and then further inferring the Big-Bang theory, to which some
scientists are still opposed. From the standpoint of Forshang doctrine, I can tell a
little bit about the truth of the universe.
The expansion among galaxies as
observed is not resulted from the effect of the Big-Bang. What we understand through
astronomy is only a short process limited within millions, tens of millions, hundreds of
millions, or tens of billions of light years. Two or three hundred years later when the
human civilization has evolved due to some breakthroughs, then they will come to
understand that the Big-Bang theory is a mistake when they find out that the universe will
contract back. The way in which the universe expand and contract can be liken to a ball,
upon dropping, will always bounce back to the same height if there is no friction to slow
it down in the vacuity. It will not expand up to a point and stop when the force of
expansion is used up, and then begin to contract back and collide into another explosion,
as some scientists presume. That is not the way.
As stated in the 4th section, the
universe has a balancing force within itself that will make it contract after expanding,
and when expanding, not expand infinitely (although that is also a possibility) and when
contracting not collide into an explosion. It is pretty much like our breathing which
keeps the same rhythm. Then, what is the source of this pulsation? It is the Buddha
nature, from which the past, the present and the future of the universe created instantly
from the unity of time and space. And the universe comes and does not come into existence
at the same time (from the standpoint of the integration of existence and non-existence).
Since time and space are united, and existence and non-existence stand at the same time,
what is the process of having all the differentiated forms? It is one's ignorance that
makes one think that all Forms exist, but the existence is actually illusive. Upon
understanding the essence - Buddha nature, ignorance turns into enlightenment on all
things. As one is enlightened on all things, there is nothing else but Essence only.
Therefore, from the standpoint of
the ten great characters, the infinite thoughts, causation, karma of all beings in the
universe will render an intricate effect on each other. The internal is the external.
Every thought projected from the inside will spread over to the entire external universe,
causing a wave of energy. Currently, the wave has already been expanding for more than
tens and hundreds of billion light years, and this phenomenon happens to be detected in
the way humans understand today. The prevalent Big-Bang theory has so many irresolvable
weaknesses simply because modern science is set up under the consideration of Forms,
instead of on the integration of the ten great characters, or Buddha nature - Essence of
the universe. Then, will humans have the chance to make use of this pulsation of universe
in the future? No. That is because the human race will come to an end and not have such a
chance. Humans of other worlds will be able to gradually catch up the pulsation of the
universe, which will be called the cosmic wave. Through the pulsation of the universe or
the converging point of different waves, it will be fast and easy to find the part of
intercommunication - worm hole, not the black hole. The hole of the universe is called the
worm hole. As soon as you can spot the worm hole - the point where pulses interact or
interfere to become void, you will be able to swiftly penetrate several quadrants of a
universe. The distance within a quadrant of a universe is more than hundreds of billions
of light years, not to mention those numerous universes beyond this universe. The worm
hole and the Gu hole are the only ways to commute among universes.
This is not a matter of light
speed or super-light speed, which has no meaning in a worm hole. The interference from the
pulsation of universe is a result of thoughts of all beings in the three realms. They are
completely unable to utilize and harmonize the pulsation of universe. Let's take an
example. As mentioned before, in passing through among the four quadrants of a single
universe or into different universes while having no control over the pulsation of the
universe originated from the thoughts of all beings, the original data or rhythm of the
pulsation might be completely destroyed due to outside influences. The result might be
either that you would not be able to come back or that you may be completely destroyed or
absorbed by any bit of the wave. These are results of the inappropriate function of senses
when a Dharma seeker learns to practice doctrines that teach them to seek outwardly.
Therefore, one should take Forshang doctrines as the basis of one's cultivation. One
should do the mental and physical cultivation passed on from the Dharma system in order to
take refuge in the five treasures because whatever happens to you, your master will come
to the rescue. The entire cultivation turns into the inclusive scientific perspective of
the universe. The state of the ten great characters of your internal Dharma realms is in
continuous and intricate relation to the transformation of the ten great characters of the
entire universe. Thus, humans have a very limited understanding of the universe as of yet.
(excerpted from Master Lee's 3/26/95 class lecture at Los Angeles Branch)
![[Nine Word Zen Prayer] - 'Na Mor Bun Schi Da Zi Zai Wan Fo'](../images/9wordzen.gif)
the above Nine Word Zen Prayer
to unite with the universal energy. |